; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS Configurator v2 ; Description : "Boot settings" menu structs and functions. ; ; XTIDE Universal BIOS and Associated Tools ; Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by Tomi Tilli, 2011-2013 by XTIDE Universal BIOS Team. ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; Visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html ; ; Section containing initialized data SECTION .data ALIGN WORD_ALIGN g_MenupageForBootMenuSettingsMenu: istruc MENUPAGE at MENUPAGE.fnEnter, dw BootMenuSettingsMenu_EnterMenuOrModifyItemVisibility at MENUPAGE.fnBack, dw ConfigurationMenu_EnterMenuOrModifyItemVisibility at MENUPAGE.wMenuitems, dw 8 iend g_MenuitemBootMnuStngsBackToConfigurationMenu: istruc MENUITEM at MENUITEM.fnActivate, dw ConfigurationMenu_EnterMenuOrModifyItemVisibility at MENUITEM.szName, dw g_szItemBackToCfgMenu at MENUITEM.szQuickInfo, dw g_szNfoIdeBackToCfgMenu at MENUITEM.szHelp, dw g_szNfoIdeBackToCfgMenu at MENUITEM.bFlags, db FLG_MENUITEM_VISIBLE at MENUITEM.bType, db TYPE_MENUITEM_PAGEBACK iend g_MenuitemBootMnuStngsDisplayMode: istruc MENUITEM at MENUITEM.fnActivate, dw Menuitem_ActivateMultichoiceSelectionForMenuitemInDSSI at MENUITEM.fnFormatValue, dw MenuitemPrint_WriteLookupValueStringToBufferInESDIfromUnshiftedItemInDSSI at MENUITEM.szName, dw g_szItemBootDispMode at MENUITEM.szQuickInfo, dw g_szNfoDispMode at MENUITEM.szHelp, dw g_szNfoDispMode at MENUITEM.bFlags, db FLG_MENUITEM_VISIBLE at MENUITEM.bType, db TYPE_MENUITEM_MULTICHOICE at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset, dw ROMVARS.wDisplayMode at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.szDialogTitle, dw g_szDlgBootDispMode at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.szMultichoice, dw g_szMultichoiceBootDispMode at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.rgwChoiceToValueLookup, dw g_rgwChoiceToValueLookupForDisplayModes at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.rgszValueToStringLookup, dw g_rgszValueToStringLookupForDisplayModes iend g_MenuitemBootMnuStngsColorTheme: istruc MENUITEM at MENUITEM.fnActivate, dw Menuitem_ActivateMultichoiceSelectionForMenuitemInDSSI at MENUITEM.fnFormatValue, dw MenuitemPrint_WriteLookupValueStringToBufferInESDIfromUnshiftedItemInDSSI at MENUITEM.szName, dw g_szItemColorTheme at MENUITEM.szQuickInfo, dw g_szNfoColorTheme at MENUITEM.szHelp, dw g_szHelpColorTheme at MENUITEM.bFlags, db FLG_MENUITEM_VISIBLE | FLG_MENUITEM_MODIFY_MENU at MENUITEM.bType, db TYPE_MENUITEM_MULTICHOICE at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset, dw ROMVARS.pColorTheme ; Only ever read - never modified at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.szDialogTitle, dw g_szDlgColorTheme at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.szMultichoice, dw g_szMultichoiceColorTheme at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.rgwChoiceToValueLookup, dw NULL at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.rgszValueToStringLookup, dw g_rgszValueToStringLookupForColorTheme at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.fnValueReader, dw ReadColorTheme at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.fnValueWriter, dw WriteColorTheme iend g_MenuitemBootMnuStngsFloppyDrives: istruc MENUITEM at MENUITEM.fnActivate, dw Menuitem_ActivateMultichoiceSelectionForMenuitemInDSSI at MENUITEM.fnFormatValue, dw MenuitemPrint_WriteLookupValueStringToBufferInESDIfromUnshiftedItemInDSSI at MENUITEM.szName, dw g_szItemBootFloppyDrvs at MENUITEM.szQuickInfo, dw g_szNfoBootFloppyDrvs at MENUITEM.szHelp, dw g_szHelpBootFloppyDrvs at MENUITEM.bFlags, db FLG_MENUITEM_VISIBLE | FLG_MENUITEM_BYTEVALUE at MENUITEM.bType, db TYPE_MENUITEM_MULTICHOICE at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset, dw ROMVARS.bMinFddCnt at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.szDialogTitle, dw g_szDlgBootFloppyDrvs at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.szMultichoice, dw g_szMultichoiceBootFloppyDrvs at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.rgwChoiceToValueLookup, dw NULL at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.rgszValueToStringLookup, dw g_rgszValueToStringLookupForFloppyDrives iend g_MenuitemBootMenuSerialScanDetect: istruc MENUITEM at MENUITEM.fnActivate, dw Menuitem_ActivateMultichoiceSelectionForMenuitemInDSSI at MENUITEM.fnFormatValue, dw MenuitemPrint_WriteLookupValueStringToBufferInESDIfromShiftedItemInDSSI at MENUITEM.szName, dw g_szItemSerialDetect at MENUITEM.szQuickInfo, dw g_szNfoSerialDetect at MENUITEM.szHelp, dw g_szHelpSerialDetect at MENUITEM.bFlags, db FLG_MENUITEM_FLAGVALUE at MENUITEM.bType, db TYPE_MENUITEM_MULTICHOICE at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset, dw ROMVARS.wFlags at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.szDialogTitle, dw g_szDlgSerialDetect at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.szMultichoice, dw g_szMultichoiceBooleanFlag at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.rgszValueToStringLookup, dw g_rgszValueToStringLookupForFlagBooleans at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wValueBitmask, dw FLG_ROMVARS_SERIAL_SCANDETECT iend g_MenuitemBootMnuStngsDefaultBootDrive: istruc MENUITEM at MENUITEM.fnActivate, dw Menuitem_ActivateHexInputForMenuitemInDSSI at MENUITEM.fnFormatValue, dw MenuitemPrint_WriteHexValueStringToBufferInESDIfromItemInDSSI at MENUITEM.szName, dw g_szItemBootDrive at MENUITEM.szQuickInfo, dw g_szNfoBootDrive at MENUITEM.szHelp, dw g_szHelpBootDrive at MENUITEM.bFlags, db FLG_MENUITEM_BYTEVALUE at MENUITEM.bType, db TYPE_MENUITEM_HEX at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset, dw ROMVARS.bBootDrv at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.szDialogTitle, dw g_szDlgBootDrive at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wMinValue, dw 0 at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wMaxValue, dw 0FFh iend g_MenuitemBootMnuStngsSelectionTimeout: istruc MENUITEM at MENUITEM.fnActivate, dw Menuitem_ActivateUnsignedInputForMenuitemInDSSI at MENUITEM.fnFormatValue, dw MenuitemPrint_WriteUnsignedValueStringToBufferInESDIfromItemInDSSI at MENUITEM.szName, dw g_szItemBootTimeout at MENUITEM.szQuickInfo, dw g_szNfoBootTimeout at MENUITEM.szHelp, dw g_szHelpBootTimeout at MENUITEM.bFlags, db NULL at MENUITEM.bType, db TYPE_MENUITEM_UNSIGNED at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset, dw ROMVARS.wBootTimeout at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.szDialogTitle, dw g_szDlgBootTimeout at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wMinValue, dw 2 at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wMaxValue, dw 1092 iend g_MenuitemBootMnuStngsClearBdaDriveCount: istruc MENUITEM at MENUITEM.fnActivate, dw Menuitem_ActivateMultichoiceSelectionForMenuitemInDSSI at MENUITEM.fnFormatValue, dw MenuitemPrint_WriteLookupValueStringToBufferInESDIfromShiftedItemInDSSI at MENUITEM.szName, dw g_szItemClearBdaDriveCount at MENUITEM.szQuickInfo, dw g_szNfoClearBdaDriveCount at MENUITEM.szHelp, dw g_szHelpClearBdaDriveCount at MENUITEM.bFlags, db FLG_MENUITEM_VISIBLE | FLG_MENUITEM_FLAGVALUE at MENUITEM.bType, db TYPE_MENUITEM_MULTICHOICE at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset, dw ROMVARS.wFlags at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.szDialogTitle, dw g_szDlgClearBdaDriveCount at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.szMultichoice, dw g_szMultichoiceBooleanFlag at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.rgszValueToStringLookup, dw g_rgszValueToStringLookupForFlagBooleans at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wValueBitmask, dw FLG_ROMVARS_CLEAR_BDA_HD_COUNT iend g_rgwChoiceToValueLookupForDisplayModes: dw DEFAULT_TEXT_MODE dw CGA_TEXT_MODE_BW40 dw CGA_TEXT_MODE_CO40 dw CGA_TEXT_MODE_BW80 dw CGA_TEXT_MODE_CO80 dw MDA_TEXT_MODE g_rgszValueToStringLookupForDisplayModes: dw g_szValueBootDispModeBW40 dw g_szValueBootDispModeCO40 dw g_szValueBootDispModeBW80 dw g_szValueBootDispModeCO80 dw g_szValueBootDispModeDefault dw NULL dw NULL dw g_szValueBootDispModeMono g_rgszValueToStringLookupForFloppyDrives: dw g_szValueBootFloppyDrvsAuto dw g_szValueBootFloppyDrvs1 dw g_szValueBootFloppyDrvs2 dw g_szValueBootFloppyDrvs3 dw g_szValueBootFloppyDrvs4 g_rgszValueToStringLookupForColorTheme: dw g_szValueColorTheme0 dw g_szValueColorTheme1 dw g_szValueColorTheme2 dw g_szValueColorTheme3 dw g_szValueColorTheme4 dw g_szValueColorTheme5 ColorThemeTable: ; Classic (default) db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLUE) ; .cBordersAndBackground db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_GRAY, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cShadow db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_BRIGHT_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE) ; .cTitle db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE) ; .cItem db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_BRIGHT_WHITE, COLOR_CYAN) ; .cHighlightedItem db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLUE) | FLG_COLOR_BLINK ; .cHurryTimeout db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLUE) ; .cNormalTimeout ; Argon Blue db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cBordersAndBackground db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_GRAY, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cShadow db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_BRIGHT_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cTitle db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cItem db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cHighlightedItem db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE, COLOR_BLACK) | FLG_COLOR_BLINK ; .cHurryTimeout db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cNormalTimeout ; Neon Red db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_LIGHT_RED, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cBordersAndBackground db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_GRAY, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cShadow db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_BRIGHT_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cTitle db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cItem db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_LIGHT_RED, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cHighlightedItem db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_LIGHT_RED, COLOR_BLACK) | FLG_COLOR_BLINK ; .cHurryTimeout db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_LIGHT_RED, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cNormalTimeout ; Phosphor Green db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cBordersAndBackground db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_GRAY, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cShadow db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_BRIGHT_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cTitle db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cItem db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cHighlightedItem db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK) | FLG_COLOR_BLINK ; .cHurryTimeout db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cNormalTimeout ; Moon Surface db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_GRAY, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cBordersAndBackground db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_GRAY, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cShadow db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_BRIGHT_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cTitle db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cItem db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_BROWN, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cHighlightedItem db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_BRIGHT_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK) | FLG_COLOR_BLINK ; .cHurryTimeout db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cNormalTimeout ; Toxic Waste db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cBordersAndBackground db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_GRAY, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cShadow db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cTitle db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_LIGHT_CYAN, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cItem db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_LIGHT_CYAN, COLOR_BLUE) ; .cHighlightedItem db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_LIGHT_RED, COLOR_BLACK) | FLG_COLOR_BLINK ; .cHurryTimeout db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_LIGHT_RED, COLOR_BLACK) ; .cNormalTimeout EndOfColorThemeTable: CountOfThemes equ (EndOfColorThemeTable-ColorThemeTable) / ATTRIBUTE_CHARS_size ; Section containing code SECTION .text ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; BootMenuSettingsMenu_EnterMenuOrModifyItemVisibility ; Parameters: ; SS:BP: Menu handle ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; All, except BP ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN BootMenuSettingsMenu_EnterMenuOrModifyItemVisibility: push cs pop ds call Buffers_GetRomvarsFlagsToAX call .EnableOrDisableScanForSerialDrives call .EnableOrDisableDefaultBootDrive call .EnableOrDisableColorThemeSelection call .EnableOrDisableBootMenuSelectionTimeout mov si, g_MenupageForBootMenuSettingsMenu jmp Menupage_ChangeToNewMenupageInDSSI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; .EnableOrDisableScanForSerialDrives ; Parameters: ; AX: ROMVARS.wFlags ; SS:BP: Menu handle ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; BX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .EnableOrDisableScanForSerialDrives: mov bx, g_MenuitemBootMenuSerialScanDetect test ax, FLG_ROMVARS_MODULE_SERIAL jmp SHORT .DisableMenuitemFromCSBXifZFset ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; .EnableOrDisableDefaultBootDrive ; Parameters: ; AX: ROMVARS.wFlags ; SS:BP: Menu handle ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; BX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .EnableOrDisableDefaultBootDrive: mov bx, g_MenuitemBootMnuStngsDefaultBootDrive test ax, FLG_ROMVARS_MODULE_HOTKEYS | FLG_ROMVARS_MODULE_BOOT_MENU jmp SHORT .DisableMenuitemFromCSBXifZFset ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; .EnableOrDisableColorThemeSelection ; Parameters: ; AX: ROMVARS.wFlags ; SS:BP: Menu handle ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; BX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .EnableOrDisableColorThemeSelection: mov bx, g_MenuitemBootMnuStngsColorTheme test ax, FLG_ROMVARS_MODULE_BOOT_MENU jmp SHORT .DisableMenuitemFromCSBXifZFset ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; .EnableOrDisableBootMenuSelectionTimeout ; Parameters: ; AX: ROMVARS.wFlags ; SS:BP: Menu handle ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; BX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .EnableOrDisableBootMenuSelectionTimeout: mov bx, g_MenuitemBootMnuStngsSelectionTimeout test ax, FLG_ROMVARS_MODULE_BOOT_MENU .DisableMenuitemFromCSBXifZFset: jz SHORT .DisableMenuitemFromCSBX ; Fall to .EnableMenuitemFromCSBX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; .EnableMenuitemFromCSBX ; .DisableMenuitemFromCSBX ; Parameters: ; CS:BX: Ptr to MENUITEM ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; Nothing ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .EnableMenuitemFromCSBX: jmp EnableMenuitemFromCSBX ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .DisableMenuitemFromCSBX: jmp DisableMenuitemFromCSBX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ReadColorTheme ; Parameters: ; AX: Value read from the ROMVARS location ; ES:DI: ROMVARS location where the value was just read from ; DS:SI: MENUITEM pointer ; Returns: ; AX: Value that the MENUITEM system will interact with and display ; Corrupts registers: ; BX, DI, ES ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN ReadColorTheme: push ds push es ; ES -> DS pop ds push cs ; CS -> ES pop es mov di, EndOfColorThemeTable-1 ; ES:DI now points to the end of the last theme in the table of available themes in XTIDECFG xor bx, bx push si push cx mov cx, CountOfThemes std .NextTheme: push cx mov cl, ATTRIBUTE_CHARS_size mov si, ax ; [ROMVARS.pColorTheme] to SI dec si add si, cx ; DS:SI now points to the end of the ColorTheme in the loaded BIOS sub di, bx ; Update the pointer to the end of the next theme in the table ; We verify that the theme in the loaded BIOS exists in our table. If it doesn't exist then that most likely means ; the loaded BIOS doesn't contain MODULE_BOOT_MENU and the theme actually isn't a theme - it's code. Either way, ; we don't trust it enough to copy it over as corrupt/invalid settings could render the UI in XTIDECFG unreadable. repe cmpsb mov bx, cx pop cx loopne .NextTheme cld mov ax, cx jne SHORT .SkipCopy ; Copy the color theme fron the loaded BIOS overwriting XTIDECFG's own theme inc si mov di, ColorTheme ; ES:DI now points to ColorTheme in XTIDECFG mov cl, ATTRIBUTE_CHARS_size call Memory_CopyCXbytesFromDSSItoESDI .SkipCopy: pop cx pop si pop ds ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; WriteColorTheme ; Parameters: ; AX: Value that the MENUITEM system was interacting with ; ES:DI: ROMVARS location where the value is to be stored ; DS:SI: MENUITEM pointer ; Returns: ; AX: Value to actually write to ROMVARS ; Corrupts registers: ; Nothing ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN WriteColorTheme: push cx push si push di mov cx, ATTRIBUTE_CHARS_size mul cl ; Multiply with the menu choice index mov si, [es:di] ; Fetch the ptr to ColorTheme add ax, ColorThemeTable xchg si, ax mov di, ax call Memory_CopyCXbytesFromDSSItoESDI pop di pop si pop cx ret