; Project name : BIOS Drive Information Tool ; Description : Functions to print information read from BIOS. ; ; XTIDE Universal BIOS and Associated Tools ; Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by Tomi Tilli, 2011-2012 by XTIDE Universal BIOS Team. ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; Visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html ; ; Section containing code SECTION .text ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Print_SetCharacterOutputToSTDOUT ; Parameters: ; Nothing ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- Print_SetCharacterOutputToSTDOUT: mov bl, ATTRIBUTES_NOT_USED mov ax, DosCharOut CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY SetCharOutputFunctionFromAXwithAttribFlagInBL ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Use DOS standard output so strings can be redirected to a file. ; ; DosCharOut ; Parameters: ; AL: Character to output ; DS: BDA segment (zero) ; ES:DI: Ptr to video memory where to output ; Returns: ; DI: Incremented for next character ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- DosCharOut: xchg dx, ax mov ah, 02h ; DOS 1+ - WRITE CHARACTER TO STANDARD OUTPUT int 21h ; Call DOS ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Print_ErrorMessageFromAHifError ; Parameters: ; AH: BIOS error code ; CF: Set if error, cleared otherwise ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BP, SI, DI (CF remains unchanged) ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- Print_ErrorMessageFromAHifError: jnc SHORT .NoErrors eMOVZX ax, ah mov si, g_szBiosError call Print_FormatStringFromSIwithParameterInAX stc ; Keep the CF set ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .NoErrors: ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Print_DriveNumberFromDLusingFormatStringInSI ; Parameters: ; DL: Drive Number ; SI: Offset to format string ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BP, DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- Print_DriveNumberFromDLusingFormatStringInSI: eMOVZX ax, dl ; Fall to Print_FormatStringFromSIwithParameterInAX ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Print_FormatStringFromSIwithParameterInAX ; Print_FormatStringFromSIwithParametersInAXDX ; Print_FormatStringFromSIwithParametersInAXDXCX ; Parameters: ; AX: Format parameter 1 ; DX: Format parameter 2 ; CX: Format parameter 3 ; SI: Offset to format string ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BP, DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- Print_FormatStringFromSIwithParameterInAX: mov bp, sp push ax jmp JumpToFormatNullTerminatedStringFromSI Print_FormatStringFromSIwithParametersInAXDX: mov bp, sp push ax push dx jmp JumpToFormatNullTerminatedStringFromSI Print_FormatStringFromSIwithParametersInAXDXCX: mov bp, sp push ax push dx push cx jmp SHORT JumpToFormatNullTerminatedStringFromSI ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Print_ModeFromDLandCHSfromAXBLBH ; Parameters: ; AX: Number of L-CHS cylinders (1...1024) ; BL: Number of L-CHS heads (1...255) ; BH: Number of L-CHS sectors per track (1...63) ; DL: CHS Translate Mode ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BP, SI, DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- Print_ModeFromDLandCHSfromAXLBH: mov bp, sp xor dh, dh mov si, dx shl si, 1 ; Shift for WORD lookup push WORD [si+.rgszXlateModeToString] ePUSH_T si, g_szFormatCHS push ax ; Cylinders eMOVZX ax, bl push ax ; Heads mov al, bh push ax ; Sectors per track mov si, g_szXlateAndCHS jmp SHORT JumpToFormatNullTerminatedStringFromSI .rgszXlateModeToString: dw g_szNormal dw g_szLarge dw g_szLBA ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Print_CHSfromCXDXAX ; Parameters: ; CX: Number of cylinders (1...16383) ; DX: Number of heads (1...255) ; AX: Sectors per track (1...63) ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BP, DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- Print_CHSfromCXDXAX: push si mov bp, sp push cx push dx push ax mov si, g_szFormatCHS CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY FormatNullTerminatedStringFromCSSI pop si ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Print_NameFromAtaInfoInBX ; Parameters: ; DS:BX: Ptr to ATA information ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, CX, BP, SI, DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- Print_NameFromAtaInfoInBX: cld lea si, [bx+ATA1.strModel] mov di, si mov cx, A1_MODEL_NUMBER_LENGTH/2 ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .ReverseNextWord: lodsw xchg al, ah stosw loop .ReverseNextWord dec di xor ax, ax stosb ; Terminate with NULL mov bp, sp lea si, [bx+ATA1.strModel] push si mov si, g_szFormatDrvName jmp SHORT JumpToFormatNullTerminatedStringFromSI ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Print_TotalSectorsFromBXDXAX ; Parameters: ; BX:DX:AX: Total number of sectors ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, BP, DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- Print_TotalSectorsFromBXDXAX: ePUSH_T di, 0 push bx push dx push ax mov bp, sp mov bx, 10 CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY PrintQWordFromSSBPwithBaseInBX add sp, BYTE 8 push si mov si, g_szNewline call Print_NullTerminatedStringFromSI pop si ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Print_EbiosVersionFromBXandExtensionsFromCX ; Parameters: ; BX: Version of extensions ; CX: Interface support bit map ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BP, SI, DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- Print_EbiosVersionFromBXandExtensionsFromCX: mov bp, sp push bx push cx mov si, g_szNewExtensions jmp SHORT JumpToFormatNullTerminatedStringFromSI ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; JumpToFormatNullTerminatedStringFromSI ; Parameters: ; BP: SP before pushing parameters ; CS:SI: Ptr to format string ; Returns: ; Pushed parameters are cleaned from stack ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- JumpToFormatNullTerminatedStringFromSI: CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY FormatNullTerminatedStringFromCSSI ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Print_NullTerminatedStringFromSI ; Parameters: ; CS:SI: Ptr to string to display ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- Print_NullTerminatedStringFromSI: CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY PrintNullTerminatedStringFromCSSI ret