; Project name : Assembly Library ; Description : Finds suitable character attribute for ; color, B/W and monochrome displays. ; ; XTIDE Universal BIOS and Associated Tools ; Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by Tomi Tilli, 2011-2013 by XTIDE Universal BIOS Team. ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; Visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html ; ; Struct containing border characters for different types of menu window lines struc ATTRIBUTE_CHARS .cBordersAndBackground resb 1 .cShadow resb 1 .cTitle: .cInformation resb 1 .cItem resb 1 .cHighlightedItem resb 1 .cHurryTimeout resb 1 .cNormalTimeout resb 1 endstruc ; Section containing code SECTION .text ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; MenuAttribute_SetToDisplayContextFromTypeInSI ; Parameters ; SI: Attribute type (from ATTRIBUTE_CHARS) ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, SI, DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN MENU_JUMP_ALIGN MenuAttribute_SetToDisplayContextFromTypeInSI: call MenuAttribute_GetToAXfromTypeInSI JMP_DISPLAY_LIBRARY SetCharacterAttributeFromAL ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; MenuAttribute_GetToAXfromTypeInSI ; Parameters ; SI: Attribute type (from ATTRIBUTE_CHARS) ; Returns: ; AX: Wanted attribute ; Corrupts registers: ; SI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN MENU_JUMP_ALIGN MenuAttribute_GetToAXfromTypeInSI: push ds LOAD_BDA_SEGMENT_TO ds, ax, ! mov al, [VIDEO_BDA.bMode] ; Load BIOS display mode (0, 1, 2, 3 or 7) cmp al, 7 je SHORT .LoadMonoAttribute test al, 1 ; Even modes (0 and 2) are B/W jnz SHORT .LoadColorAttribute .LoadBlackAndWhiteAttribute: add si, .rgcBlackAndWhiteAttributes jmp SHORT .LoadAttributeAndReturn ALIGN MENU_JUMP_ALIGN .LoadMonoAttribute: add si, .rgcMonochromeAttributes jmp SHORT .LoadAttributeAndReturn ALIGN MENU_JUMP_ALIGN .LoadColorAttribute: add si, .rgcColorAttributes .LoadAttributeAndReturn: cs lodsb ; Load from [CS:SI] to AL pop ds ret .rgcColorAttributes: ; Classic (default theme) istruc ATTRIBUTE_CHARS at ATTRIBUTE_CHARS.cBordersAndBackground, db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLUE) at ATTRIBUTE_CHARS.cShadow, db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_GRAY, COLOR_BLACK) at ATTRIBUTE_CHARS.cTitle, db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_BRIGHT_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE) at ATTRIBUTE_CHARS.cItem, db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE) at ATTRIBUTE_CHARS.cHighlightedItem, db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_BRIGHT_WHITE, COLOR_CYAN) at ATTRIBUTE_CHARS.cHurryTimeout, db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLUE) | FLG_COLOR_BLINK at ATTRIBUTE_CHARS.cNormalTimeout, db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLUE) iend ColorTheme equ MenuAttribute_GetToAXfromTypeInSI.rgcColorAttributes .rgcBlackAndWhiteAttributes: ; Only COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BRIGHT_WHITE and COLOR_BLACK should be used istruc ATTRIBUTE_CHARS at ATTRIBUTE_CHARS.cBordersAndBackground, db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_BRIGHT_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK) at ATTRIBUTE_CHARS.cShadow, db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_GRAY, COLOR_BLACK) at ATTRIBUTE_CHARS.cTitle, db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_BRIGHT_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK) at ATTRIBUTE_CHARS.cItem, db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK) at ATTRIBUTE_CHARS.cHighlightedItem, db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_BRIGHT_WHITE, COLOR_WHITE) at ATTRIBUTE_CHARS.cHurryTimeout, db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_BRIGHT_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK) | FLG_COLOR_BLINK at ATTRIBUTE_CHARS.cNormalTimeout, db COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK) iend .rgcMonochromeAttributes: istruc ATTRIBUTE_CHARS at ATTRIBUTE_CHARS.cBordersAndBackground, db MONO_BRIGHT at ATTRIBUTE_CHARS.cShadow, db MONO_REVERSE_DARK at ATTRIBUTE_CHARS.cTitle, db MONO_BRIGHT at ATTRIBUTE_CHARS.cItem, db MONO_NORMAL at ATTRIBUTE_CHARS.cHighlightedItem, db MONO_REVERSE at ATTRIBUTE_CHARS.cHurryTimeout, db MONO_BRIGHT_BLINK at ATTRIBUTE_CHARS.cNormalTimeout, db MONO_NORMAL iend